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Medical Cannabis Testimonials

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Skateboard park.

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Treatment of post-traumatic stress disorder ranges from therapy to addictive prescription drugs, but marijuana can change the lives of veterans for the better.

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CRS Pharms e-pens: Medical Cannabis is often touted as a medical cure-all. We can not claim that cannabis is a medical cure, but that doesn’t stop a proliferation of testimonials claiming that cannabis has made a life changing difference in many conditions.


Inspiring Spina Bifida Cannabis Patient: Spina bifida is a neural tube defect that happens in the first month of pregnancy when the spinal column does not close completely. According to the Mayo Clinic, approximately one in every 2,000 children born in the U.S. is diagnosed with spina bifida. Risk factors include the presence of a neural tube defect in a previous child, lack of folic acid, some medications, diabetes and the mother's age. Most patients with spina bifida have neurogenic bladders. Neurogenic bladders function poorly and over time, without correction, can result in kidney damage and ultimately kidney failure. Does cannabis help? Watch the following video with a remarkable spina bifida patient.

Spina bifida patient discusses cannabis, CBDs and depression.

Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD): Treatment of post-traumatic stress disorder ranges from therapy to prescription drugs, but organizations like Operation Grow4Vets argue that marijuana can change the lives of veterans for the better. Patients with post-traumatic stress disorder can experience an array of debilitating symptoms. From night terrors to hypervigilance, living on the cusp of a chronic fight-or-flight state can make even simple tasks like walking through a crowd overwhelming. According to the U.S. National Center for PTSD, seven to eight out of every 100 people develop symptoms of post-traumatic stress. Canada has some of the highest rates of PTSD, with an estimated 9.4 percent of the population experiencing some form of the condition. Barry Petersen reports from CBS This Morning.

CBS Reports: Group provides cannabis to veterans suffering from PTSD.

Additional Testimonials: Medical Cannabis is often touted as a cure for cancer. We can not claim that cannabis can cure cancer, but that doesn’t stop a proliferation of testimonials claiming that cannabis has made a life changing difference in many conditions, including cancer. Go to Minnisotans for Compassionate Care to read more testimonials.